Apparently, I am not the only one getting ready for her party. This is what she is doing right now...
09 December 2010
getting ready...
06 December 2010
I used to think getting a picture of these 2 was hard....but these two are practically impossible! I think it's because they are too alike. NEITHER is into taking pictures. At least Renée LIKES to take pictures {usually}, Elijah and Hazel together are like a little side show!
05 December 2010
same story, different clothes...
After I traumatized Hazel in Santa's lap, we attempted to take a few pictures outside. Just like the pumpkin ones--someone decided it was time to do karate moves. Hazel just copied everything...first it was karate then it was sticking her tongue out like Renée does when she smiles.
04 December 2010
03 December 2010
little pumpkins...
we went home last week for Thanksgiving...mimi told me on several occasions that I NEEDED to update my here it is. These 3 silly ones in their pumpkin clothes. Of course, 2 of the 3 were not so into taking pictures!