08 December 2008

we &hearts Christmas pajamas...especially matching ones!

(a shot before they saw the camera...looking at little Christmas books together)

so i tried to post last night, but instead lost 600+ pictures! i guess i will start using the "safely remove hardware" icon. orum says he might be able to restore them with some program, but i guess i will have to wait until finals are over to see. i know that i have some of them on the computer already, but i was planning to make a little book of the 25 days of christmas...so I'm a little sad that i lost the pictures for the first week of December! anyway...a few cute pictures from tonight.

how fun will it be when there are 3 to match?! no baby yet, but hopefully soon! orum is done with finals on friday, so hopefully it will wait a few more days!
renee had the urge to cheer...and elijah is just a follower...

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